MSIE Internet Explorer - more space for web pages

Instructions to increase the website display space in Internet Explorer and cut down vertical scrolling.

MSIE Internet Explorer - more space for web pages
Instructions to increase the website display space in Internet Explorer and cut down vertical scrolling.

There is enough space for the button bar on the right of the menu. The text below the buttons can be switched off. Other unnecessary bars can also be switched off. The result is simple: a lot more space for the website.
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Help for the +Menu Button and some browser tips

Download high resolution picture(s), change layout for printing. Zoom for printing. Exchange pictures for high resolution pictures before printing.
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Browser Tips

Tips for more useable screen area at surfing by less waste of area for toolbars.
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Browser Tips

Tips for more useable screen area at surfing by less waste of area for toolbars.
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Google toolbar typ

To much toolbars decrease the available screen space for the web site. Since the Google toolbar turned out as an indispensable absolutely essential tool for web design
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 Browser Tips 
 MSIE - more area 
 Google Toolbar 
 Mozilla - more area 
 Netscape 4.nn help 

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    Help for +Menu 
    Browser Tips 

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